January 2020 Study Group

Democracy and authoritarianism, their ultimate choice

people walking on gray concrete pathway
Photo by Mati Mango on Pexels.com

Date: January 11, 2020 (Sat) 13: 00-14: 20 (40 minutes for lectures, 10 minutes for discussions, 30 minutes for questions and answers)

Venue: Kyoto University Yoshida Campus Research Building No. 2, 1st floor, Faculty of Letters, 10th Exercise Room (Southeast side of Building No. 34)


* Since the venue, Research Bldg. No. 2, is Saturday, only the entrance on the west side is unlocked. Please enter from the west entrance.

Title: "Democracy and Authoritarianism, Its Ultimate Choice"

Lecturer: Koichi Sugiura (Professor, Wayo Women's University)

Moderator / Debate: Hirotsugu Ohba (Kyoto University, Researcher)


The choice between democracy and authoritarianism is still a realistic subject. Developed countries recommend democracy to developing countries, but in reality democracy's freedom often undermines traditional authority and divides the country of developing countries. Although it cannot be said to be the direct result, there is a phenomenon in which a de facto dictatorship, that is, an authoritarian system, is established after democratic elections. And the modern authoritarian system maintains domestic order and promotes economic development against the background of strong power. However, human rights violations by the government are significant and there is no freedom of speech.

This situation can be seen as a matter of choice between freedom and economic development. On the other hand, as confirmed by the democratization movement in Hong Kong, there are concerns that it may not be possible to make a choice in the first place. It is possible to point out that making a choice is the ultimate choice.

In this study group, we will welcome Mr. Koichi Sugiura, an expert on democratization, to discuss the recession of democracy and the rise of authoritarianism in the modern world.
